Benz Victoria

In 1893, Karl Benz built his most famous car, the Victoria, dubbed partly because the inventor “embodied a happy dream.” It was a very reliable and efficient 4-wheel crew.
On “Victoria” in the back in a special box was a single-cylinder liquid-cooled motor with a working volume of 1730 cm3 and 3 hp. The combustible mixture was supplied using an automatic intake valve, which opened under the action of a vacuum in the cylinder during the piston stroke down. Such a system was much simpler than the forced valve drive used in the engine of the first car. A carburetor with a constant fuel level was used to prepare the combustible mixture. Benz has improved the front wheel control system, known since 1816 and subsequently called the Ackermann system. The cars were offered in two more versions with engines of 4 and 5 hp. In 1895, the Austro-Hungarian entrepreneur Theodor von Liebig traveled from Bohemia to France and back on Victoria, confirming that the machine was operational. This expedition required 140 liters of gasoline and 1,500 liters of water for cooling. Karl Benz used the Victoria as a personal car even when it was no longer in production.

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